A ceremony celebrated in the courtyard of the Invalides, in the presence of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, members of the Government,...
Hommage national à Jean-Paul Belmondo
Gisèle Halimi : La Cause des femmes
This documentary explores the major social reforms led by the Presidents of the Fifth Republic, from the legalization of the pill under De Gaulle to...
Président : le prix à payer - Face à la rue
Reality TV has invaded the world television space for several years. Garbage television, attack to the human dignity, cultural desertification for...
Loft Paradoxe
This is the unlikely story of 21 ministers and prime ministers who have crossed or are crossing the french Fifth Republic today. Twenty-one...
Ministre ou rien
Liliane and Maud are twin sisters. The first is a modest provincial hairdresser while the second leads the great life in Paris. They both fight over...
I Love You Coiffure
Dr. Semyc is a specialist of a widespread disease for which there is no cure to date. Announce the diagnosis is a difficult exercise, however, that...
Balladur-Chirac, mensonges et trahisons
Un peu, beaucoup, passionnément... Les Présidents et les Français
They are everywhere. At home, in the canteen, in restaurants, processed foods fill our plates. Overcome by obesity, diabetes, heart disease, taste...
Les Alimenteurs