Jens Stoltenberg's two-year-long travel throughout Norway to regain Det norske Arbeiderparti's place in the Norwegian political landscape.
Jag är inte beredd att dö än (I'm Not Yet Ready to Die) is a documentary that follows Laleh Pourkarim—one of Sweden's most...
Jag är inte beredd att dö än
The world of finance is at a crossroad. It is short-term traders versus long-term investors. Greed versus responsibility. Artificial intelligence...
Vikings vs. Wolves - The Battle of Finance
Ten years ago, Carina Bergfeldt covered the terrorist attack in Norway, and as one of the first reporters on-site, she gained a unique insight into...
Utøya - aldrig glömma, aldrig tiga
Jens Stoltenberg had planned to step down after nine years in the powerful position of NATO Secretary General. The 65-year-old politician had packed...
Facing War