The short film "Next" is a light dramedy that shows the afternoon shift of a fresh detective. Sketches of objects are accumulating on his wall, the...
This darkly grotesque drama unfolds on multiple paths. The tangible one, now cruel, now crazy, along which the nomadic actor "Dad Mour", his wife...
A Sensitive Person
Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her...
We Have Never Been Modern
It follows young alchemist Amélie as she acquires a magical power: partially influencing the flow of time. But she is split in time, and...
Princess Cursed in Time: Alchemist's Quest
Two men, one in a stolen vehicle and the other drunk, drive along a backroad to avoid city traffic. Suddenly both cars collide with an SUV and they...
Blood Moon
A family comedy about what happens when dads want to water without their precious halves.
Špunti na vodě
The story of the film The Candidate takes place during two months of campaigning before a non-specific presidential election in one specific country....
The Candidate
A mysterious death in the border town of Varnsdorf brings together a cynical detective and a young idealistic police officer. Their investigation...
Miss Hanoi
When Michael, a successful theatre director learns that he suffers from an incurable disease, he resigns and goes to an abandoned cottage to write...
As two beach volleyball partners focus on personal matters and a championship tournament, a quirky figure disrupts their game on and off the court.
Přes prsty
Soldier Jack deserts his unit and finds his wife Eva in isolated village in the mountains. She moved there to work in a factory unaware of the cruel...
Little Kingdom
Inspired by true events of the 1989 Czech and Slovak Velvet Revolution and Václav Havel's controversial release of 23000 prisoners. In...
In 1939, Czech diplomat Jan Masaryk flees to the United States to escape his recent past: Germany has invaded Czechoslovakia and he is now a man with...
A Prominent Patient
Beata Parkanová, the filmmaker behind Moments, returns to Karlovy Vary with an exceptionally vivid portrait of the family of notary...