In the midst of a torrid affair, Lance discovers that Nob Hollow's weirdest residents, the Stackpoole family, have been doing hideous human...
Head of the Family
Carl, a career criminal, receives an early release from prison and immediately begins preparations for his next big heist.
Running Time
The Law Enforcement Technology Advancement Centre (LETAC) has developed SID version 6.7: a Sadistic, Intelligent, and Dangerous virtual reality...
After a rogue band of Pinkerton detectives led by ruthless Charley Siringo bushwhacks reformed outlaw Frank James, he seeks sanctuary on the...
Bonanza: Under Attack
Gambling fever -- along with a brutal bookie -- leads three crooked cops into a double-dealing scheme that lands them in hot water way over their...
A sleazy lawyer finds enlightenment.
Echos of Enlightenment
A prototype enhanced human, on the run from Chinese-hired hit men, hooks up with a dread-locked bystander, and the two of them elude their pursuers...