Loukis, after a successful break-in, manages to escape the police chase thanks to a younf flower seller named Krinoula who introduces herself as...
The Little Mouse
As the lithe accountant of an haute couture house on the brink of bankruptcy takes three beautiful mannequins to promote their work, a chance...
Three Ladies and me
Theoni finds a strange way to gain some money, in order to pay her bills , by renting rooms in her rickety house.
The Treasure of the Beatitude
Shattered Dreams
A rich girl leaves her family to avoid marrying the person her father has chosen for her. Her father offers a reward in order to find her and an...
Lisa and the Other Woman
When she fails to persuade her father to visit her mother in Venice with him, Diana decides to take the ship and secretly follow him.
Rendez-vous in Venice
Two ambitious junior employees from different social backgrounds, an aspiring author and the elegant daughter of a failed industrialist, see their...
Lost dreams