A misfit teenager, an anxious mother, and a recent widow see their day interrupted by a mysterious natural phenomenon. As their world descends into...
Ordinary Failures
"A documentary anatomy of mass murder for one monitor and 34 talking heads." These are the words the filmmakers use in the credits to describe their...
A behind-the-scenes look at the eleven-year process it took to make The Painted Bird. The narratives of director Václav Marhoul and actor Petr...
11 Colours of the Bird
After a blind date gone horribly wrong Jim and Lauren agree they never ever want to see each other again. Well that's all about to change when the...
Magical cave is full of salt and treasure. You can take as much salt as you want but you cannot touch the treasures as something horrible will happen...
The Enchanted Cave
Godfather's story is the story of the greatest of Czech post-revolutionary 'entrepreneurs'. His activities often crossed the edge of the law, and his...
Godfather's Story
The comedy unfolds in the attractive environs of the never-ending filming of a TV series. The performance opens up with wonderful interplay of...
Celebrity Ltd.
"Sex, drugs and rock and roll", not in the West but in a Communist police state - Soviet-occupied Czechoslovakia of the 1970s . Anti-hero Olin, 21,...
It's Gonna Get Worse
Criminal thriller about traffickers and smugglers from Ukrainian border. The feature film about the borders and the life on their edge.
The Line
After losing his parents, a young Jewish boy wanders Eastern Europe, seeking refuge during World War II.
The Painted Bird
A timid painter falls for a charming window arranger but his inexperience, her jealous boyfriend and her sudden disappearance pose romantic...
I Love You Heavenly
A crime movie directed by Marvin Kren.
Mordkommission Berlin 1
Pláč svatého Šebestiána
A team of detectives bumbles and fumbles their way through an investigation that involves murder, blackmail and possibly someone they know.
The Case of the Dead Deadman
North Carolina mountains at the end of the 1920s – George and Serena Pemberton, love-struck newly-weds, begin to build a timber empire. Serena...
Klub osamělých srdcí
In the heady days of the 1968 Prague Spring, a group of Czechoslovak Radio journalists risk not just their careers but their lives to distribute...
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