Ordinary humans led by King Bantayan are being annihilated by the all-powerful evil king Bagulbol and his creatures of the dark. To end their...
Exodus: Tales from the Enchanted Kingdom
A young girl develops an unknown infection that causes her to evolve into a horrifying monster.
The curse was cast by Dona Guada on the family of GLORIA ROMERO -- any female born to the family will die on the day they turned 18. Gloria Romero as...
Singsing Ni Lola
A documentary on the rise and fall and recent return of sexy movies in Philippine cinema. Featuring interviews from the sexy movie icons of the past...
Seksi: Pantasya at Pelikula
The biggest names in the country’s film industry speak up about the evolution of Philippine films and how it has transformed today’s...
Sine, Laging Kasama
The magical world of "Samadhi" is threatened by the evil forces of Ravenal and Sifu sends out three teenage boys to journey on the Magic Temple....
Magic Temple
Christopher cannot help but think that he is jinxed, but his luck changes when an impish Christmas elf appears, offering him and his siblings a wish.
Puso Ng Pasko
A gang of teenagers accidentally inherits a bag of drugs. They try to sell them back to their original gangster owners, but when that goes awry,...