Follows Liza, who retreats to a '70s variety show in her mind as she struggles to cope with the impending death of her mother, trying to work through...
Mother of All Shows
Parched, ragged, and dragging a heavy iron chain, a lone Gambler hobbles eastward through the endless desert. Barely a day behind him, a...
Six Days to Die
A pop singer and a professor must put aside their differences when their best friends decide to get married. However, working together as best man...
Perfect Harmony
A Christmas-obsessed fitness instructor begins a holiday romance with a mysterious businessman. The new relationship soon complicates his plans to...
Fit for Christmas
Brooke, a plain but creative and hard-working student at the top fashion school in the nation, who has come a long way from her tough childhood spent...
Crimes of Fashion
During her birthday celebration, Tess and Logan find themselves swept up in a world that isn't always what it seems when the headlining magician at...
Crossword Mysteries: Abracadaver
When a mysterious key and a holiday riddle arrive on their doorsteps, Kate and Kevin embark on a Christmas romance adventure they’ll never...
Unlocking Christmas
A figure skater is injured during a competition. A coach that hired her then helps her rehab her injury so that she may live her dream.
Ice Girls
Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no...
Vicious Fun
To prevent her family from canceling the "Chamberlain Family Christmas Olympics," Jessie lies and says she's inviting a date to the long-standing...
'Twas the Date Before Christmas
When an antique nutcracker set to be auctioned at the Warby family Christmas charity goes missing, a demanding event planner and the heir to the...
Operation Nutcracker