De udvalgte
Biblen - Fuhlendorff & Mørk
Christian Fuhlendorff - My First One Man Show
Erik Nietzsche is an intelligent but in many ways inexperienced shy young man who is convinced that he wants to be a film director. In the late...
The Early Years: Erik Nietzsche Part 1
Comedy Aid 2010
Comedy Aid 2011
Christian Fuhlendorff - Outstanding
Christian Fuhlendorff: Det Sjovt
Christian Fuhlendorff - Stort Set
Comedy Aid 2013
Ikke for Sjov
Livet i nødsporet
Christian Fuhlendorff follow up on critical acclaim with the new one man show: "To make a short story long" "I have a dog and a house, a girlfriend...
Christian Fuhlendorff : To make a short story long
Christian Fuhlendorff: Impro
Christian Fuhlendorff - At Tale Sjov
Livet i nødsporet - The Movie
Christian Fuhlendorff - Det er ligegyldigt hva' andre tænker, ikk'?
Talegaver til børn: 15 års jubilæum
Christian Fuhlendorff: Går Over i Historien - Del 1
Christian Fuhlendorff: Går Over I Historien - Del 2
Grin til gavn 2019
Linda P is once again ready to come on stage. This time with a show called Linda P's talk show – including talk and show. The name comes from...
Linda P's Talk Show - With Talk and Show
Comedy Aid 2015
Comedy Aid 2016
Christian Fuhlendorff - Ærlig talt