It is a musical portrait that shines a spotlight on unknown aspects of the creative, visionary and groundbreaking talent of filmmaker and writer,...
Behind the White Glasses
Ludwig: A Journey to the End of the Night
La voce senza volto
Cinecitta is today known as the center of the Italian film industry. But there is a dark past. The film city was solemnly inaugurated in 1937 by...
Cinecittà, de Mussolini à la Dolce Vita
Furio Scarpelli - Il racconto prima di tutto
Forty years after his death, this documentary pays tribute to one of the major filmmakers of Italian cinema, to an original work that continues to...
Luchino Visconti: Between Truth and Passion
A Dominique Maillet's documentary about Visconti in the set of "Conversation Piece".
Luchino Visconti: The Quest for the Impossible
L'ultimo gattopardo - Ritratto di Goffredo Lombardo
Le romane - Storie di donne e di quartieri