Victor, a father, travels the roads with his teenage son, Felix. For Felix, the trip is a school of life, as his first romantic encounter helps him...
Side Roads
Raphaël, a draughtsman, and Margot, a prima ballerina, love each other passionately. But they learn that Margot suffers from an incurable...
Quand je vois le soleil
In a time of war and disease, a young officer gallantly tries to help a young woman find her husband.
The Horseman on the Roof
Narcoleptic Finnish naturist as beautiful as Venus is on vacation in Southern France with her husband. She goes for a walk in the field naked and...
Venus and Lulu
A TV weather girl is torn between an older man, a famous married author whom she loves but who won't leave his wife, and a semi-deranged young heir...
A Girl Cut in Two
A small village lies peacefully nestled in the hills beneath the Provence sun... until the arrival of an odd group of vacationers. Who are these...
The Cocottes