Ane Freitas, Niny Magalhães, Viviana Freitas and Xanda Dias are the 4 Amigas who brighten even more this successful special of the 4 Amigos -...
4 Amigos: Te Apresento Minha Amiga
Afonso Padilha: Nada Planejado
Millennials, generation XIX, Z, Boomers... Whatever yours, they were all the “generation of the future”. In this special Afonso Padilha...
Afonso Padilha: Gerações
Afonso Padilha: Isso Tem que Dar Certo
Afonso Padilha is a comedian, comedian, and screenwriter. He is a comedian, comedian, and screenwriter. Curitibano has worked with comedy since...
Afonso Padilha: Não Tá Compensando Ser Adulto
4 Amigos - Special I introduce you to my friend 2019
4 Amigos - Comedy Special 2019 (Last Line of Jokes #150)
Fábio Lins e Amigos
Brazilian comedian Afonso Padilha dives into his humble beginnings and digs out hilarious stories about his childhood in this very personal set.
Afonso Padilha: Classless
Group of comedians creates a complete show in one day. This is the idea of humorists Patrick Maia, Thiago Ventura, Afonso Padilha,...
Partiu Stand Up
After 6 months without stepping on a stage due to the pandemic, comedian Afonso Padilha returns to the stage to test a new show.
Afonso Padilha: Desessencial
Afonso Padilha: Espalhando A Palavra
Afonso Padilha: Bilíngue Não Praticante