A genius film director, Tadashi Kobayashi holds an audition for his new film project. Several actors and actresses answer the open call, but most...
Red Post on Escher Street
A teenager named Noriko Shimabara runs away from her family in Toyokawa, to meet Kumiko, the leader of an Internet BBS, Haikyo.com. She becomes...
Noriko's Dinner Table
ウルトラマンダイナSPECIAL :明日へ
The film begins with the Shinkengers defeating the Ayakashi Demebakuto. As he assumes his second life, he captures the Shinkengers in mirrors as he...
Come Back! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: Special Act
Shouichi encounters a teenage girl called Sayaka, who ran away from a military facility because of an attack by the Ant Lords. Sayaka has a...
Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4
In the near future, the world is ruled by the Smart Brain Corporation, with 90% of the population being Orphnoch, and the once prominent human race...
Kamen Rider 555: Paradise Lost
A new and more contagious virus emerged after COVID-19 and forced Japan to live an even more severe self-restraint. During the time of COVID-19 it...
The Lonely 19:00
While investigating the horrifying death of her boyfriend, Mai Takano learns about a videotape haunted by the spirit of a disturbing girl named...
Ring 2
The story of Japan's victory in the battle of Tsushima Strait.
Battle Anthem
Black Dahlia
When a powerful new Makamou attacks and defeats Hibiki, Asumu dives into Takeshi’s history and discovers a book that details the ancient Oni...
Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni
Shouichi encounters his old friend and caretaker Dr. Higashi Kunieda. Dr. Kunieda, a friend of Yoshihiko Misugi, took care of him while he was...
Kamen Rider Agito Special: A New Transformation
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting...
Odd Detective 15
An omnibus film consisting of 4 short films and a documentary related to COVID-19.
State of Emergency
Murder Credit - Final Destination Series