In the year Universal Century 0079, humans have colonized the area of space lying in between the Earth and the moon. However, the ambitious Zabi...
Mobile Suit Gundam I
Fight! Our Kamen Rider! The Strongest Rider, ZO is Born! was a half-hour television special which aired on TBS in 1993 to promote the then newest...
Fight! Our Kamen Rider! The Strongest Rider, ZO is Born!
A film version of Choujinki Metalder, set between episodes 17 & 18 premiered on July 18, 1987 at the "Toei Manga Matsuri" film festival, where it was...
Choujinki Metalder: The Movie
A story of two mates, Pitcher and catcher on a pro-baseball team, devoted to their game, bikes, girls and having a good time. When they meet a girl...
Bats & Terry
The Legend of Space Sheriff Gavan is a special DVD released with Televi-Kun in 2012 to promote the film Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie. It features...
The Legend of Space Sheriff Gavan
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant...
Hades Project: Zeorymer Separation
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant...
Hades Project: Zeorymer Extinction
Taking place after the Second Season of Transformers, Scramble City is a story in which the Cybertrons have built a secret lab hidden inside a...
Transformers: Scramble City
Many years after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the survivors (called hibakusha in Japanese) are still physically and emotionally devastated by the...
Beaten by Black Rain
Officers Tsujimoto and Kobayakawa are transferred back to Bokuto Police Station after stints in other police departments. Shortly after this, the...
You're Under Arrest: The Motion Picture